English 5 Lesson 180 Essay

What did I learn and like about 5th grade English

I learned a lot during this course. Ms. Fish did a great job, but I think I saw some little mistakes, although I think she did them on purpose to see if I notice, and it worked lol. What I liked about this course is that I noticed a difference in my sentences and writing. I think I like English better because it helps me with my spelling and where to/not to put my comma’s and periods and stuff like that. My teacher did a great job, and I know she’ll do great in the future of English. I learned pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and other stuff too. I had fun with this course. Thanks for reading my last Essay in English 5th.

English 5 Lesson 165

If I could do one thing to make the world better, what would it be

If I could do one thing to make the world a better place is to build homes for the homeless. Every year, thousands of people lose their jobs, and sometimes their homes. Sometimes, when people lose their jobs, its hard to pay for rent or buy food for themselves or their family, and sometimes, they lose people. A lot of people don’t want to be friends with someone that is homeless, which is wrong. I would say to them, ‘Guys, this man/woman lost everything, give them some support, or even help them. They’ve been through a hard time, give them a chance’. People that have a job, home, and money are sometimes rude to the homeless, don’t be like those people. If I could, I would build homes for the homeless in every state, and every country. Family’s can lose their homes because they lost their jobs or can’t pay rent anymore. And sometimes, those people have kids that they need to feed too. I want to see the kids laugh in their own backyard, I want to see them smile again at their new home, I want to see them happy as they once were before everything fell. If I have a billion dollars, I would build homes with food, water, warm beds, warm clothes, everything that they would need. I would do it for them.

P.S. I wanted to add color because normal black was boring, and also because I like bright colors.

English 5 Lesson 60

I would like to learn to do is how to blend colors in Paint, Crayon, Colored Pencils, and mostly Markers.

I do a lot of art. My grandpa is an Artist, he can do paintings so well, they look like someone took a picture. I want to be like him. I’m starting with small stuff, like not-to-hard animals, cars, and anime characters. I would post some, but I don’t know how. I would like to learn how blend markers mostly because they are thick and they push out to much ink sometimes. Markers would be cool to blend. I can blend paint pretty good. It would be cool to blend markers, so I have to work on it. I hope one day I’ll be as good as my grandpa. My grandpa said that it takes practice, patience, and time to do something good, like art. I would like to learn other art things too, but right now, I’ll stay on blending, then work my way up. Hope you guys find something you like and practice on it. Remember, it takes Time, Practice, and Patience.

English 5 Lesson 75

What my favorite way to learn and do schoolwork is.

Okay, I don’t know how to do this. Here it goes: My favorite way to learn and do schoolwork is to see it and do it. Strangest thing, when I’m done with my math lesson with my brother or sister, I look around for things to see if I can use math to work it out. And when I’m doing a sentence (like now) I like to look for things my English Teacher teaches me. And when I’m out side, I look to see if I can name some plants and other things. I don’t know what to say about History, really, but I can say this, he is . . . AWESOME!!! He tells me stuff I don’t know and he sometimes misses somethings and he all ways put what he misses in the next lesson. Tell me what you think about you schoolwork. And please tell me what you think about my essay.

English 5 lesson 40

What I’m scared to do but did it

What I’m scared to do is (you might think it is silly) playing mummy with my sister, I’m never doing that again. Here is another one: I’m scared to leave my old home but we did 3 years ago. And another: I’m scared to be in the dark alone outside but I did and I did not get scared. And I’m scared of seeing glowing red or yellow eyes in the dark. This may not be to long. I’m scared of being alone in the church. I’m scared of not being able to get out of somewhere ( deepist nightmare). And I’m scared of not being able to find my Mom or Dad in a big store. I’m scared of losing the people I love(I already lost my Nana and Papa). I’m scared of going to a place that I do not know. I’m scared of us getting lost going to a place (witch happened a few time)

English 5 Lesson 30

My neighborhood or where I live
Where I live is a cute but big neighborhood. Across the street is a kind man named Jack, we get eggs from him by giving him egg cartons or scrapes of food. We live in an RV and we are behind a church where my dad is a pastor. To the left of our RV, there is a pretty red bricked house with two annoying Chihuahuas that are in a fenced in back yard. To the right of our RV, there is a pretty half bricked house where they have a fenced in yard too with a black dog and two cows, one black and one black and white, and a little “barn” and a house in the back. There is a gravel drive way where there is a house that is in a hill, the person that lives there has a dog and the woman is our “Aunt” Gloria. Up a road that is a dead end there is a house at the very end and the elderly couple comes to church once in a while. Then at the end of the road, a little to the left, there is a house for older people who need help, the home is called Copps.This is a place where we have a lot of friends. There are two more houses across the street but we don’t know them. There is a lot more but this is a big neighborhood.
Thank you for reading 🙂

English 5 Lesson 20

My favorite thing to do
My last essay was “My favorite thing to do is art”. Now my secend thing to do is read. Reading is fun, when I read a book (you may has felt this when you are reading) I feel like I’m in the book, I hear, see, and feel what is happening in the book, it is so cool. Reading is how you learn and how to do stuff. Many people refuse to read, it took me years to read, I went to people who could help me to read. One girl was super nice, I sat on her lap and tried to read the book. Here is the first book I read, Drake the Dragon, here is the first page, “Drake is a green dragon, Drake is lives in a cave. Drake is scared of other dragons, big ones, and has no friends. Drake meets a small mouse and becomes friends. Drake has a mouse family.” That is all I remember from that book. Now that I know how to read my Mom and Dad can not get to stop reading books. When we go to the library I sometimes get a lot of books and some movies, but mostly books. If you read you know what I’m talking about. Books, reading, typing books for people to read, this is all great to me. Some books can carry adventure, mystery, and danger, they carry stuff we like to read. Like you’re reading this right know and thinking about something (not about this essay). Read what you love to read and read more and more. Read what you think is true. This essay may be a little silly but I’m typing what my favorite thing to do.
Thank you for reading 🙂

English 5 lesson 15

My favorite thing to do

My favorite thing to do is art. I’m like my Grandpa, I like to paint and color. I first started coloring when I was 5 or 6. My Grandpa lets me color with papers that he does not use and some colored pencils. I’m getting a lot better and I’m do people, for their head down to their elbows. If I had 1 wish, it would to go to art school, then I can paint a painting of my Nana and Papa that passed away, then I can go to the place where they rest and put the painting behind their resting place and say: “This is my Nana and Papa. They inspired me to paint and color. Nana and I would color together and Papa and I would just talk about painting”. When I was ten I drew the most beauty full flower ever, than was 2 years ago and I can’t remember how I drew it.

Thank you for reading

Please follow me 🙂

English 5 lesson 5

My Summer Vacation
It was a few a weeks in summer and we where doing errands one after another. So the day came and we where packing and we where off to Perry to stay the night at the hotel and wait for my big sister and our brother-in-law and our little twins. Then the next day we where off to… Texas. On the way we got stuck be in the middle of 2 big trucks, (Very big) of course I was scared. When we reached a gas station we got snacks and drinks, then we were on our way to Texas. When we reached it we toke long naps, but not me, Dad toke the longest nap because he was driving. We went to a family reunion and stayed in another hotel and stayed over night then we went to the same house and had another family reunion and I met a family member and we become best friends. Every time the 10 of us, big sister, brother-in-law, big brother, second sister, Mom, Dad, twins, and me, went back to the house the second time and my new friend and I had fun and hide my fidget spinner in the dirt, under big rocks, and under leaves. The time came when my friend and I had to say good-bye. Then we stayed at another hotel and another. Funny thing, when we got to the Perry hotel, I forgot my 5 shirts and so Mom had to get me some skirts at Walmart in Perry. So the day came we had to go back home. And that is my summer vacation.

Thank you for reading

English, lesson 5, My Summer Vacation

My summer vacation
My summer vacation was in Texas, we really went to Texas, no joke. We really went to a family reunion and we just made our way back by staying in hotels and going out to eat and seeing friends and stuff. We went to Sealife in Texas and got fake medals for putting stamps in a book for us kids. Funny thing, we all took a picture and a Stingray wanted in the picture behind my head, if I had the picture I would put it on here. The twins had so much fun. (I’m an Aunt) The Sealife was in a mall, first mall I was ever in, maybe. One hotel we had 2 rooms that connected together and the twins had funny going to 1 room to the other. One twin was holding my pointer finger and I had to go do something so I slipped my finger out and slipped her finger onto my Dad’s finger, she was watching TV, it was so funny when she look down at her finger and saw that she wasn’t holding my finger and letting go of my Dad’s finger, they just don’t like my Dad for some reason. My big sister and brother-in-law had to go, and the girls laughed as they hit me with toys, stuffed toys, I just love it when baby laugh. So they went home. So we went on from there, just the 5 of us, me, my Mom, Dad, my sister, and brother with a lot of bags, on the road again, and we ended up home 2 day’s later. Home sweet home!