History 5 Lesson 5

Invention I studied and how they help the world

#1. The ice house; the ice house was built in a steep hill or built in a small, or big closet like house. The first ice house was built in 1600. Like when someone has a hight temp the mother, slave, maid, or someone would go to the ice house and put some ice into a bag or rag. The ice house was built in many places, like on farms. The ice house was put into a steep hill for people who lived in hills so the ice house was a great thing to build in thier case because it can get so hot. The ice house was built by a man that was very hot, so when he was done with building it he had a high temp because he was in the sun to long, when he got in in was cold and it felt good. So many ice houses where built that people had to cut down more trees.

#2. Oliver Evans: Oilver Evans was a man who built many things like the flour-mill and the wind-mill, wired phone. He built the first wind-mill, he built it with he bare hands. And he built the first flour -mill. He got the idea’s from his father that died in 1709. Oliver had 3 nickname, Olie, Olive, and builder. Oliver died making a invention that never made it to history. He died at age 87.

#3. Guns, shot guns, pistols, BB guns, and more. Some guns have loose, explosive powder. While shot guns have powder in little cases to fit the gun. Pisols: pistols are small so they are easyer to carry and are small so you can hide them in small places. BB guns: BB guns are harmless, most of the time, and are made for kids 10-18, The BB are little small, metal balls. Some guns have wide ends of their barrels while some have small end barrels. Back then men used big guns for hunting.

#4. Canning Process: cans where made in 1707. Hole were dug in the ground and the bottom was poured in first in a thin layer, then the sides. When the metal was hardened they took it out and poured in some more metal for the top. Where the metal come from: Miners, miners brought some rocks to the men in town that were useless the them. The men put the rocks into a big pot and melted. The women in town filled up the can with food to sell and keep. The now are made in the facorty and sold in shops and places.

Thank you for reading

Author: totallysupergirl

I like to do art because it helps me to relax sometimes. I have two cats (they are a handful). I hope to one day post some of the pictures that I draw, trust me, they are sometimes hard to do. It takes time, patience, and practice to do a drawing, and other stuff too.

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